An advertisment tells us that a freehold estate of 74? acres in Merriott, then let to William Coleman at ?80 per annum, was to be sold on 13th August 1792. Possibly the tenant bought a portion of his holding, as he is known to have been ...
A-Team [Grindcore]. Das A - TEAM wurde im Juni 2002 in Kempten gegründet. Das Programm besteht überwiegend aus halsbrecherisch schnellen Grindcore - Nummern mit Punkrock - Einflüssen. Das Quintett verlangt den Zuhörern alles ab und ...
A handful of gigs followed and the headlining gig at the 'Barleycorn Hotel' in March ultimately became Ben Hennessys swan song. With several shows lined up in the following months and no bass player to fill Ben's shoes, Chaos Theory ...